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PowerShell SumoLogic API Management Module

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PSSumoLogicApi will help you manage SumoLogic Collector management automation.

Unfortunately there are no management for bulk collectors on Web UI of SumoLogic. Therefore API is needed to manage hundred of collectors, sources.

This module is in use of production and ease me all time adding new server or change configuration of SumoLogic:)

Have a fun with SumoLogic! Windows Powershell will help your Windows life!

SumoLogic Collector Management API

See here.



You can check what kind of functions included in module.

Get-Command -Module PSSumoLogicApi

Here's Cmdlets use in public

CommandType Name ModuleName
Function Get-PSSumoLogicApiCollector PSSumoLogicApi
Function Get-PSSumoLogicApiCollectorSource PSSumoLogicApi
Function Get-PSSumoLogicApiCredential PSSumoLogicApi
Function Get-PSSumoLogicApiWebSession PSSumoLogicApi
Function New-PSSumoLogicApiCredential PSSumoLogicApi
Function Remove-PSSumoLogicApiCollector PSSumoLogicApi
Function Remove-PSSumoLogicApiCollectorSource PSSumoLogicApi
Function Set-PSSumoLogicApiCollectorSource PSSumoLogicApi


You can find sample source in Test


Make sure SumoLogicAPI requires credential authentication for only first session. You will retrieve authenticated cookies when sending any API request with UserName/Password. Use this authenticated cookies as WebSession then you do not need to pass credential afterward.

Make sure there is API limitation to try call API with credential, to retrieve websession/cookies. If you call API for continuous 15 times, then you will be rejected from API for 60 sec.

Create Credential secure Password File

New-PSSumoLogicApiCredential -user

if you configure .\PSSumoLogicAPI\config\PSSumoLogicAPI-config.ps1 as to input username,

$PSSumoLogicAPI.credential = @{
    user                           = "INPUT YOUR Email Address to logon"

#change it like

$PSSumoLogicAPI.credential = @{
    user                           = ""

you can omit -user parameter, as default use $PSSumoLogicAPI.credential.user, in this case


Get Credential secure Password from file

Onece you create credential, you can get it easily.

Get-PSSumoLogicApiCredential -user

you can omit username if you configure .\PSSumoLogicAPI\config\PSSumoLogicAPI-config.ps1


you can reuse Credential.

$credential = Get-PSSumoLogicApiCredential

Web Session

Before starting call SumoLogic API, set authenticated websessions to $PSSumoLogicAPI.Websession module variable. After set this session, you can ignore any credential/session when call API.

Set Authenticated cookies to $PSSumoLogicAPI.Websession

Get crednetial when obtain Websession.

# Get Credential
$credential = Get-PSSumoLogicApiCredential

Then call SumoLogic API to get Web Session. If you add -PassThru switch, then retrived value will show in host.

# Obtain Session Variables
$host.Ui.WriteVerboseLine("Get Sessionvariables and PassThru")
Get-PSSumoLogicApiWebSession -PassThru

Web Session value in contains in Module variable $PSSumoLogicAPI.WebSession.

$host.Ui.WriteVerboseLine("Output whether session contains in PSSumoLogicAPI variable.")


Get SumoLogic Collectors of your account

Now you can call SumoLogicAPI.

$Collectors = Get-PSSumoLogicApiCollectors

specify collector ids.

# Obtain each Collectors for first 5
$host.Ui.WriteVerboseLine("Running Synchronize request for each collectorId")
Get-PSSumoLogicApiCollector -Id ($collectors.Id | select -First 5)

for multiple collectorIds, you can use -Async switch to invoke command asynchronous.

# Obtain each Collectors for first 5
$host.Ui.WriteVerboseLine("Running Asynchronous request for each CollectorId")
Get-PSSumoLogicApiCollector -Id ($collectors.Id | select -First 5) -Async -Verbose

It will speed up about 2-10 times then synchronous each collector id calls.

Remove Collectors

Specify Collector id to remove collectors.

# Remove each Collectors
$host.Ui.WriteVerboseLine("Running Synchronize request for each collectorId to remove collectors")
Remove-PSSumoLogicApiCollector -Id $

for multiple collectorIds, you can use -Async switch to invoke command asynchronous. Asynchronouse execution will speed up.

# Obtain each Collectors
$host.Ui.WriteVerboseLine("Running Asynchronous request for each collectorId to remove collectors")
Remove-PSSumoLogicApiCollector -Id $ -Async

It may good to filter Collector name, OS or status to select which collector to delete. Where-Object or .Where({}) will ease you filtering object.


Get Collector Source

Get all collectors source.

# Obtain Collectors
$host.Ui.WriteVerboseLine("Running Synchronize request to get collectors")
$collectors = Get-PSSumoLogicApiCollector

# Obtain Source
$host.Ui.WriteVerboseLine("Running Synchronize request to get sources")
Get-PSSumoLogicApiCollectorSource -CollectorId $ -Verbose

Get First 4 Collectors source.

# Obtain Source
$host.Ui.WriteVerboseLine("Running Synchronize request to get sources")
Get-PSSumoLogicApiCollectorSource -CollectorId $ -Verbose

for multiple collectorIds, you can use -Async switch to invoke command asynchronous. Asynchronouse execution will speed up for 2-10 times then synchronous call.

$host.Ui.WriteVerboseLine("Running Asynchronous request to get sources")
Get-PSSumoLogicApiCollectorSource -CollectorId $ -Async -Verbose

Set SumoLogic Source for Collectors of your account

You can set for each Source Type, will show in intellisence.

# Obtain Collectors
$host.Ui.WriteVerboseLine("Running Synchronize request to get collectors")
$collectors = Get-PSSumoLogicApiCollector | Select -First 2

# Set Sources
$host.Ui.WriteVerboseLine("Running Synchronize request to set sources")
$param = @{
    Id             = $Collectors.Id
    pathExpression = "C:\logs\Log.log"
    name           = "Log"
    sourceType     = "LocalFile"
    category       = "Log Category"
    description    = "Log Description"
Set-PSSumoLogicApiCollectorSource @param -Verbose

for multiple collectorIds, you can use -Async switch to invoke command asynchronous. Asynchronouse execution will speed up for 2-10 times then synchronous call.

# Set Sources
$host.Ui.WriteVerboseLine("Running Asynchronous request to set sources")
$param = @{
    Id             = $Collectors.Id
    pathExpression = "C:\logs\Log.log"
    name           = "Log"
    sourceType     = "LocalFile"
    category       = "Log Category"
    description    = "Log Description"
Set-PSSumoLogicApiCollectorSource @param -Async -Verbose

Remove Source

You can set Remove for each Sources in Collectors.

# Obtain Collectors
$host.Ui.WriteVerboseLine("Running Synchronize request to get collectors")
$collectors = Get-PSSumoLogicApiCollector | select -First 5

# obtain Sources and remove it
$collectors `
| %{
    $host.Ui.WriteVerboseLine("Running Synchronize request to get sources")
    $souces = Get-PSSumoLogicApiCollectorSource -CollectorId $ | where Name -eq "Log"

    # Remove each souces in per Collectors
    $host.Ui.WriteVerboseLine("Running Synchronize request for each collectorId")
    Remove-PSSumoLogicApiCollectorSource -CollectorId $ -Id $}

for multiple collectorIds, you can use -Async switch to invoke command asynchronous. Asynchronouse execution will speed up for 2-10 times then synchronous call.

# obtain Sources and remove it
$collectors `
| %{
    $host.Ui.WriteVerboseLine("Running Asynchronous request to get sources")
    $souces = Get-PSSumoLogicApiCollectorSource -CollectorId $ -Async

    # Remove each souces in per Collectors
    $host.Ui.WriteVerboseLine("Running Asynchronous request for each collectorId")
    Remove-PSSumoLogicApiCollectorSource -CollectorId $ -Id $ -Async}